EABCN Real Time Database

The EABCN Real Time Database (RTDB) is a project co-ordinated by the EABCN, in co-operation with a number of European central banks, including the ECB. The project aims at creating and maintaining a real time database for the euro area and for the European countries.

Euro area data

The Euro area Real Time database, constructed at the ECB with contributions in particular from DG Research and DG Statistics of the ECB, consists of vintages, or snapshots, of time series of more than 200 macroeconomic variables, based on series reported in the ECB’s Monthly Bulletins.

The database available since October 2005 to the EABCN members of this website, is now publicly downlodable for the ECB Statistical Data Warehose (SDW).

Instruction or downloding the data and a detailed documentation of each series are contained on the main page of the SDW link.

A detailed description of the database, including properties of data flow and implications of data revisions, in contained in the CEPR/EABCN Working Paper. An Area Wide Real Time Database for the Euro Area" by Domenico Giannone, Jerome Henry, Magdalena Lalik and Michele Modugno. The authors have designed the database and have been decisively involved in its technical construction.


  1. Database in SDW
  2. CEPR/EABCN Working Paper

European countries

The country real time database, assembled by the National Central Banks (NCB), comprises more than 200 variables (approximately 25-30 variables for each country) and all of them are downloadable by EABCN fellows. Data are currently available for Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Spain, The Netherlands and UK. All data are stored in excel files.

At present, national data have different coverage. They broadly follow the organisation of the 38 variables euro area database, sometimes with the same codification name.

Legends or explanatory notes can also be downloaded when available.