Andrea Zaghini

Principal Economis, Banca d'Italia

1999 PhD in Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
1995 Master of Science in Economics, University College London.
1993 Laurea summa cum laude in Statistics and Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Nov.10 - in progress Head of Financial Structures Unit in the Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy Department at the Bank of Italy, Rome.
Within the Financial Analysis Division I coordinate the work (both analysis and research) of the Unit engaged in financial stability issues and in the monitoring and assessment of households, firms and large banks balance sheet developments. I carry out research and analysis on G-SIFIs, bank funding and monetary policy.
Nov.07 - Oct.10 Principal Economist in the Economic Research Department (Financial Analysis Division) at the Bank of Italy, Rome
Nov.04 - Oct.07 Senior Economist in the Economic Research Department (Co-ordination of ECB Council Activities Division) at the Bank of Italy, Rome
Oct.02 - Oct.04 Expert in the Directorate Monetary Policy at the European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main
Feb.97 - Sept.02 Economist in the International Economics Division of the Research Department at the Bank of Italy, Rome

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