The Scientific Committee is responsible for designing and proposing the annual research agenda and work programme as well as for overseeing the implementation of the approved activities. Moreover it formulates the longer-term research strategy of the network.
Specifically, the role of the Scientific Committee is to:
- Conceptualise and design the workshop programmes and oversee the selection of papers and participants;
- Advise on, and contribute to, the scientific content of the Network’s website;
- Develop and oversee the Network’s training schools;
- Review / screen research papers (according to the agreed criteria) for presentation at EABCN workshops;
- Develop new research proposals and other ideas for future activities.
Current members
Professor Barbara Rossi
Barbara Rossi is an ICREA Professor of Economics at Pompeu Fabra University, and an affiliate at the Barcelona School of Economics and CREI. She previously has been an Associate Professor with tenure at the department of Economics at Duke University, after earning her Ph.D. from Princeton University. She is a Fellow of the International Association of Applied Econometrics, a Fellow of the… (read more...)
Professor Klaus Adam
Klaus Adam is Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim, a Research Professor at Deutsche Bundesbank, Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the German Finance Ministry, Scientific Vice Chair of the Euro Area Business Cycle Network, and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Financial Studies in Frankfurt, at CEPR and at IZA.
Dr. Eleonora Granziera
Eleonora Granziera is a Senior Research Economist in the Research Unit of the Norges Bank and the network coordinator of the Euro Area Business Cycle Network. Her research focuses on applied time series econometrics and applied macroeconomics with particular interest in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy and forecasting. Prior to joining the Norges Bank, she worked as a senior… (read more...)