The Steering Committee comprises representatives of the funding institutions. It is the decision-making body for all matters related to the Network as a whole and is responsible for monitoring progress against the stated aims, objectives and mission of the EABCN. In this way, its role is partly administrative and partly scientific. It appoints the Scientific Committee and the Chair of the Scientific Committee, discusses and approves the work plan and the budget.
The role of the Steering Committee is to:
- Review and comment upon the network activities for the previous year;
- Discuss and approve the proposed activities for the forthcoming year;
- Discuss and agree on the longer-term research and development strategy for the network, as put forward by the Executive Group via the Scientific Chair;
- Maintain budgetary oversight of the network; ie, approve the annual budget;
- Agree on the business model and fees for the network membership;
- Identify and agree on potential new network members;
- Propose and discuss new initiatives and activities (with appropriate input from the scientific and business representatives).
2022 - Present
Dr. Knut Are Aastveit
Knut Are Aastveit is the Deputy Director of Norges Bank Research. He is also affiliated with CAMP at BI Norwegian Business School and an associate editor of the Journal of Applied Econometrics. His research focus on applied macroeconomics and time series. Special interests include forecasting, Bayesian econometrics, commodity prices, business cycles, housing market and monetary policy. Knut Are… (read more...)
Professor Steffen Andersen
Steffen Andersen is Head of Research in the Economics and Monetary Policy Research Unit at Danmarks Nationalbank. Since 1 October 2022, the unit has been led by Steffen Andersen in collaboration with Renato Faccini (Deputy Head of Research). Economists in the Research Unit produce high-quality research published in refereed journals and participate in the international academic and central… (read more...)
Fabio Busetti
Fabio Busetti is the Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research at the Bank of Italy. Busetti received both his MS.c. and Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics.
Nicolas Cuche-Curti
Nicolas Cuche-Curti has been working for the Swiss National Bank since 2003. He is Head of Research Coordination, Education and Sustainability. Between 2010 and 2020, he run the Inflation Forecasting team, first as Deputy Head and then as Head. Between 2003 and 2009, he used to be an Economic Advisor in Research. After spending a post-doctoral year (2000-2001) at the University of California,… (read more...)
Björn Döhring
Björn leads the unit responsible for macroeconomic modelling and database management, which notably hosts the QUEST model family and the AMECO database. The team produces evidence-based policy advice on fiscal, structural and climate policies and research. This work contributes to DG ECFIN’s forecasting exercises and underpins the regular economic surveillance of EU Member States.
Björn… (read more...)
Mr. Oleksandr Faryna
Oleksandr Fаrynа is Head of the Research Division, Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department, National Bank of Ukraine. He earned his Ph.D. in Finance at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, where he teaches at the Department of Finance. His research interests include macroeconomics, international finance, and monetary policy. His recent research projects concern forecasting and… (read more...)
Dr. Falko Fecht
Falko Fecht is Professor for Financial Economics at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. Since 2010 he is also Research Professor (Adviser) at the Deutsche Bundesbank. Falko Fecht graduated at Frankfurt University where he also earned his PhD.
His research focuses on financial intermediation, in particular liquidity risks and regulation, interbank markets, monetary… (read more...)
Dr. Paolo Guarda
Paolo Guarda is Head of the Research Section of the Banque centrale du Luxembourg. He holds a PhD in economics from the European University Institute (1999), where he also worked as research assistant. After his studies, he joined a Luxembourg public research centre, working to develop a macro-econometric model for the National Statistical Institute, and taught statistics at the University of… (read more...)
Dr. Adam Gulan
Adam Gulan works as an adviser at the Monetary Policy and Research Department of the Bank of Finland. His current research interests include topics in business cycle fluctuations, macro-financial linkages and monetary policy.
Mr. Richard Harrison
Richard Harrison is a senior policy advisor at the Bank of England. Richard's main research interests are monetary economics and DSGE modelling. His previous research includes analysis of asset purchase policies at the zero bound, methods for addressing misspecification in DSGE models and estimating the effects of forward guidance.
Dr. Luc Laeven
Luc Laeven is Director-General of the Directorate General Research of the European Central Bank. Previously, he was Lead Economist in the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund. Prior to this, he was a Senior Financial Economist in the Financial Sector Department of the World Bank and worked at ABN Amro Bank. His research focuses on international banking and corporate finance… (read more...)
Professor Krzysztof Makarski
Krzysztof Makarski is Head of Unit at the Research Department at Narodowy Bank Polski (National Bank of Poland) and Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. His research interests include monetary and public economics.
Dr. Laurent Maurin
Laurent Maurin is Head of the Economic Studies Division in the Economics Department of the European Investment Bank. His research activity focusses on the financing of corporate investment, the analysis of macro-financial conditions, and the evolution of the European financial system. Along these avenues, Laurent has published papers in peer-to-peer reviews, such as the Journal of Financial… (read more...)
Dr. Birgit Niessner
My professional career introduced me to two very different worlds: Development Cooperation and the finance sector.
In the first part I was working for the Austrian Development Cooperation who agrees with African governments on development endeavors which are then implemented by local or European NGOs. The umbrella under which this cooperation is taking place are the Sustainable Development… (read more...)
Professor António Rua
António Rua is currently Head of Unit in the Economics and Research Department at Banco de Portugal and has worked at Banco de Portugal since 1999. He is also Associate Professor (visiting) at Nova School of Business and Economics and has taught Econometrics and Statistics at other universities as well. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Technical University of Lisbon and a M.Sc. in Economics… (read more...)
Dr. Ulf Söderström
I am Head of the Research Division at Sveriges Riksbank (the central bank of Sweden). I was appointed Head of Research in November 2019. Prior to that I was Deputy Head of the Monetary Policy Department at the Riksbank, and I have also been Head of the Modelling Division at the Monetary Policy Department. From September 2003 until August 2008, I was first Assistant Professor and then Associate… (read more...)
Dr. Peter van Els
Peter van Els is head of the Econometrics and Modelling Department of De Nederlandsche Bank. He studied econometrics at Tilburg University and holds a PhD from the University of Amsterdam. He started his career at the Dutch central bank in the Research Department, with a focus on macro modelling, forecasting, and monetary transmission. From 2008 to 2015 he was head of DNB’s Monetary Policy… (read more...)
Dr. Jan Vruha
Jan Vruha is a Director in the Economic Research Division of the Monetary Department of Czech National Bank. Vruha received his Ph.D. in economics at CERGE-EI in 2013 and his Ph.D. in econometrics from the University of Economics, Prague, in 2006
Fields: Bayesian econometrics,
macroeconomic modelling,
monetary economics
Mr. Rowan Walter
Rowan has worked in various economic analysis and forecasting related roles since joining the South African Reserve Bank in 1991. After several years in the Economic Department’s Statistical Division specialising in Balance of Payments statistics he moved to the Modelling and Forecasting Unit in 1998. This coincided with the Bank commencing with Inflation Targeting. Here he has mostly worked in… (read more...)
Dr. Rafael Wouters
Raf Wouters is Senior Advisor at the Research and Economics Department of the National Bank of Belgium.
He has published extensively on the development and estimation of DSGE models and on the use of these models for business cycle analysis and for monetary policy analysis. He has a long experience on using macro-economic models for policy advice in central banks.