Chronology of Euro Area Business Cycles

Chronology of Euro Area Business Cycles

The Committee has identified the peak and trough quarters since 1970:


Peak / Trough

Announcement Date

2020 Q2 Trough 9 November 2021
2019 Q4 Peak 29 September 2020
2013 Q1 Trough 1 October 2015
2011 Q3 Peak 15 November 2012
2009 Q2 Trough 4 October 2010
2008 Q1 Peak 31 March 2009
1993 Q3 Trough 22 September 2003
1992 Q1 Peak 22 September 2003
1982 Q3 Trough 22 September 2003
1980 Q1 Peak 22 September 2003
1975 Q1 Trough 22 September 2003
1974 Q3 Peak 22 September 2003



By convention, if a peak occurs during quarter P and a trough during quarter T, the recession starts at P+1 and the expansion at T+1. Thus, the quarter of the peak belongs to the preceding expansion, and that of the trough to the preceding recession. For a methodological note on recession indicators and alternative definitions, please consult the note published by FRED.

Recession indicators following this convention are available here and represented below graphically, with recessions shaded in grey.