New Challenges in Monetary Economics and Macro-Finance - EABCN, University of Mannheim and IfW Kiel

The Keynote speakers are Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University and CEPR) and Christian Wolf (MIT) 
The conference is organised by Klaus Adam (University of Mannheim and CEPR) and Moritz Schularick (University of Bonn, Sciences Po, IfW Kiel and CEPR).
The event is hosted by the University of Mannheim and sponsored by the EABCN, the Collaborative Research Centre TR 224 at the University of Mannheim and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).


Call for Papers - This Event is no longer receiving submissions

The conference covers a broad range of themes around monetary and macro-finance topics. It will bring together recent contributions in this area of research, including studies with a strong theoretical basis and empirical papers. A non-exclusive list of examples of relevant topics includes:

  • High inflation and its consequences
  • Supply-side disturbances and structural change
  • Financial stability and international capital markets
  • Digital assets and the unit of account role of money
  • Monetary and fiscal interactions with high public debt levels
  • The role of firm, product and consumer heterogeneity
  • The role of expectations and communication

Funding is available for travel expenses for academic participants presenting or acting as discussants. Expenses will be reimbursed according to the standard CEPR travel guidelines. Costs will not be covered for central bank participants.

The submission deadline was 5 pm GMT on Thursday, 20 April 2023

If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact Lydia Williams, CEPR Senior Events Officer at [email protected] for assistance, with the subject line ‘EABCN New challenges Mannheim Conference 2023’