EABCN Conference: Macroeconomic and financial dimensions of the green transition

Call for papers

Banca d’Italia – EABCN – EUI Joint Conference

"The macroeconomic and financial dimensions of the green transition"

Fiesole, June 28th 2024

Hosted by the Pierre Werner Chair Programme of the European University Institute



Flavia Corneli (Banca d’Italia)

Giancarlo Corsetti (Pierre Werner Chair, European University Institute and CEPR)

Fabrizio Ferriani (Banca d’Italia)

Andrea Gazzani (Banca d’Italia)

Barbara Rossi (ICREA-University of Pompeu Fabra, BSE, CEPR, CREI and EABCN)


The Bank of Italy, the Euro Area Business Cycle Network (EABCN), and the Pierre Werner Chair of the European University Institute (EUI) are organizing a joint conference that will take place in Florence for one full day on June 28th, 2024. The conference will cover a variety of themes related to green transition from a macroeconomic and financial perspective. These topics include (but are not limited to):


  • Macroeconomic implications of the green transition
  • Consequences of transition and climate change for monetary policy
  • Energy transition, energy security and the role of critical minerals
  • Green transition and competitive advantages
  • Cross-border spillovers of climate mitigation policies and the international dimension of the green transition
  • Sustainable finance
  • Asset pricing implications of climate and transition risks
  • Nature related macro-financial impacts


Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome, and applications using euro area data are particularly valuable.


Prof. Rick van der Ploeg (Oxford University and CEPR) will deliver a keynote speech.


The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2024. Papers or extended abstracts can be submitted to the following email address: [email protected]

Authors of successful submissions will be notified by the end of April. Limited travel reimbursement and accommodation only for academic speakers.


The event is hosted by the European University Institute, and co-sponsored by the Bank of Italy, the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the Euro Area Business Cycle Network (EABCN), the Pierre Werner Chair and the Florence School of Regulation of the EUI.