EABCN Training School on "Fiscal Policy: Estimating Causal Evidence and Positive Theory"


General Description

We are pleased to announce details of the latest EABCN Training School; a two-day course entitled "Fiscal Policy: Estimating Causal Evidence and Positive Theory". Professor Morten Ravn will teach the course. It is primarily aimed at participants in the Euro Area Business Cycle Network but applications will also be considered from doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers and economists working in central banks and government institutions outside of the network, as well as commercial organisations (fees are applicable for non-network non-academic organisations).

Course Contents

Since the Global Financial Crisis, there has been a resurgence of interest in fiscal policy amongst both academics and policy makers. A question of central interest is the causal impact of fiscal policy shocks and, in particular, the dynamic causal effects. As with monetary policy, the main obstacle to producing such evidence is that changes in fiscal policy instruments are to a large extent endogenous. This course look into methods available for confronting such endogeneity and discuss applications. We will also examine how to confront issues such as anticipation effects, heterogeneity (across the population), and state dependence (time permitting). The course will also connect the results to economic theory and look into positive theories of fiscal policy.

Administrative Information:

The course will take place at University of Mannheim, Germany (http://www.uni-mannheim.de/1/english/). Mannheim can be reached with a 30 minute train ride from Frankfurt airport.
Participants will be invited to make their own arrangements regarding their accommodation and meals. Further information about hotel options will be available to successful applicants.
Candidates who have a CEPR profile should apply by submitting their CV online at https://portal.cepr.org/EABCN-TS-April-2020 by 6pm (GMT Time), Friday January 3, 2019. If you do not currently have a CEPR profile, please create a new one here and then click on the registration link.
We ask that you send a current version of your CV. PhD students should also specify in which way the school will be useful for their current research (max 300 words).

Participants from non-academic institutions where the employer is not a member of the EABCN network are charged a course fee of € 2000

About the Instructor:

Morten O. Ravn is Professor of Economics at University College London. He holds a PhD from the University of Southampton and has previously been employed at University of Aarhus, University of Southampton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, London Business School and the European University Institute. His research has been concerned with macroeconometrics, macroeconomic theory and international macro with main themes being fiscal policy, business cycles, and monetary economics. He has published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Monetary Economics, American Economic Journal and many others. He is also Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Danish National Research Foundation, CEPR Research Fellow and has served as Managing Editor of the Economic Journal.