Professor Refet Gürkaynak
Professor of Economics at Bilkent University
Refet S. Gürkaynak is Professor of Economics at Bilkent University and a Research Fellow of the Center for Economic Policy Research, where he is the director of the Monetary Economic and Fluctuations Program. He has a BA from Bilkent and a PhD from Princeton Universities, both in Economics. Prior to his current position he was an Economist at the Monetary Affairs Division of the Federal Reserve Board. He is a frequent consultant to various central banks. Gürkaynak’s research interests are monetary economics, financial markets and international economics. In particular, he has worked on extracting information from asset prices that help answer monetary policy related questions. His research along these lines has been published in journals such as Journal of Monetary Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics and American Economic Review. Gürkaynak has been the recipient of awards from the Central Bank of Turkey, the European Central Bank and the Turkish Academy of Sciences as well as an ERC Grant.