Euro Area Business Cycle Network

The Euro Area Business Cycle Network (EABCN) provides a forum for a better understanding of the business cycle in the euro area by linking academics and researchers in central banks and other policy institutions involved in its empirical analysis. The Network was launched officially on 1 April 2002. The first EABCN Steering Committee meeting, hosted by Banca d'Italia in September 2002, ratified the Network's organisational structure and approved its ability to spend network funds. EABCN currently consists of 22 institutional members. Its organisational structure consists of an Executive Group, a Scientific Committee and a Steering Committee.


About the network

The Euro Area Business Cycle Network (EABCN) provides a forum for the better understanding of the Euro area business cycle, linking academic researchers and researchers in central banks and other policy institutions involved in the empirical analysis of the Euro area business cycle.

Latest News

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Euro Area Dating Business Cycles

The CEPR-EABCN Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee deliberated on 13 March 2024 to assess the state of euro area economic activity, relying on data through the fourth quarter of 2023. GDP growth was a whisper below zero in the last two quarters of 2023. The committee, using a broad array of information, including its output gap measures, does not label the current period as a recession.

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