Mete Feridun

Senior Supervisor, Bank of England

Dr. Mete Feridun is a Senior Supervisor at the Bank of England - International Banks Directorate at the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), where he is responsible for the microprudential supervision of a portfolio of leading international banks operating in the UK, identifying, analysing and mitigating risks to their safety and soundness, forming forward-looking judgements on the risks that they pose to the PRA’s objective of financial stability. Dr. Feridun is a Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA) and holds ACCA CertIficate in International Auditing (CertIA), CIMA CertIficate in Business Accounting (CertBA), IMF Certificate of Macroeconomic Forecasting, and is Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He is an Associate Professor of Financial Economics and has served as a lecturer/researcher at University of Greenwich, University of Baltimore, University of Missouri St Louis, Eastern Mediterranean University and Loughborough University.

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